Algímia's cultural heritage and landscapes

In Algímia d’Alfara we find a wide variety of elements, most of them everyday, which are the result of the long cultural process that its people have experienced over time.

The AlgimiaenelCor project understands that this inheritance, spread throughout the municipality, is a treasure that we have received from our ancestors to be enjoyed and protected by present and future generations. This inheritance is a dynamic resource that does not stop being built, being necessary both its recognition and inventory and its enhancement as a patrimonial, social, and economic resource.

If the heritage legacy of Algímia is carefully examined, we find a wide variety of elements that can be grouped, in addition to chronologically, by typologies and thematic groups. In the interactive map created to give visibility to this cultural heritage of Algímia d’Alfara, 260 assets have been identified, which have been grouped into nine large typological , which can be easily consulted

Nine typologies Number of elements
Defensive Systems (SD) 5
Communication Systems (SC) 19
Botanical Singularities (SB) 7
Extensive Livestock farming (GE) 6
Traditional Agriculture (AT) 51
Water Resources (RH) 144
Religious Heritage (PR) 3
Crafts-Trades-Industry (AO) 16
Boundaries (DL) 9


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