Route 4: Presence of extensive livestock farming in Algímia

4-5 hours


13,70 km.


430 m. unevenness


In Algímia d’Alfara, there are still clear signs of traditional extensive livestock activities that remain visible on the road outlining the municipality by the south, and some corral ruins and other associated elements have survived. The presence of such forms is part of the old livestock transhumance (recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage) between Aragón and the Valencian coast. In our area, transhumance has a distinctive trend because it was organised around the so-called “Casa de Ganaderos”, which differed from the more powerful La Mesta that worked in Castilla.

The route presents a marked landscape aspect as it crosses the central part of the municipal area where topographical, natural and agricultural values are mixed. In this background of contrasting landscapes, the route includes several of typical elements of extensive livestock activities, such as corrals, small houses and shelters separated from corrals, specific places for manure production, water supply points and specific transhumance ways and corridors.

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