Houses & Streets

The streets and houses reflect the history of a place. In Algímia, in addition to its architectural and urban characteristics, they contain, not only the stories of the families who lived in them, but also of the tasks, trades and activities that were carried out, of the uniqueness of some families and of the visitors who came to them.
The section on Streets and Houses of the WEB on the landscape and cultural heritage of the Algímia en el Cor project brings us closer to the living memory of the streets and houses of the population with a wide example of them, but they are not all, although they are enough to understand the life of the people and keep their memories alive.

Each house has a QR code on the façade. We invite you to walk through the streets, look with affection at the houses and enter them with the QR, easily visible in a discreet place, so that their doors open and you know their history and anecdotes.

To facilitate the walk through the streets and houses of Algímia, their visit has been separated, first of all, by its streets. Entering each of them, then we will discover the secrets of their houses and enjoy in detail their history and anecdotes.