Route 5: The imprint of the communication routes, a walk through their past and present

4-5 hours


10,40 km.


266 m. desnivell


A unique feature of Algímia d’Alfara is the variety of roads, highways and railways in its municipal area. This is the result of having to access fields and mountains to perform the daily activities that were to be done and were also imposed by being located on a communications axis that has existed since ancient times. It has been considered vital to connect the Mediterranean coast with the inland Iberian Peninsula by means of roads, railways and, more currently, the Mudéjar motorway.

The actual network of communication routes now allows a thematic route to be organised for walkers, and some rural roads, with very little traffic, facilitate walkers’ mobility; others are the old paths still employed by locals. The mining (Ojos Negros) trainroute is already a consolidated greenway.

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